Pilates lessen in Rotterdam Hillegersberg en Schiebroek
A Fit Body
Pilates by Judith is a unique form of exercise that trains all your muscle groups. Mainly abdominal and back. Pilates makes you supple with an emphasis on strength. It enables you to function better in your daily activities and sports such as golf, running, and cycling.
Pilates is for people of all ages.
Judith’s clear and precise instructions will help you to achieve your personal best. Just wear comfortable clothing and bring a towel.
Schedule and locations
The Pilates by Judith lessons are given at various locations in Rotterdam Hillegersberg and Schiebroek throughout the year. To check which lesson fits into your schedule click here.
Missed lessons can be made up for.
First call, mail, or app me to make sure there is room in the lesson. You can only come for make-up lessons while you are registered for a course. If you plan to go on vacation you can plan your lessons. Missed lessons do not entitle you to a discount for the next course.
Registration and fees
The Pilates by Judith course that starts on September 2nd 2024, is 175 euros for 15 lessons. To register, please send an email with the day and time you would like to join. After you receive a confirmation email you can make your payment to:
IBAN: NL 73 RABO 0368 2370 28 t.n.v. Pilates by Judith VOF.